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Welcome to LumenDecor, where we illuminate your entertainment spaces with exclusive theater decor that captivates and enchants. Our mission is to create a cinematic experience at home through our elegant and stylish decor solutions.

At LumenDecor, we believe that the right decor can transform any space into a cinematic masterpiece. Our range of products includes elegant cinema signage, ambient lighting solutions, and decorative accents, all designed to enhance the visual appeal of your home theater.

Founded on a passion for design and entertainment, LumenDecor combines aesthetic beauty with functionality. Our products are crafted to add drama and style to your space, making every movie night a memorable experience.

Our team of designers and lighting experts work tirelessly to create decor solutions that are both beautiful and practical. Whether you're looking to add a touch of elegance with our cinema signage or create the perfect ambiance with our lighting solutions, LumenDecor has the perfect products for you.

Join us in lighting up your world with LumenDecor. Experience the magic of a well-designed home theater, where every detail adds to the overall cinematic experience.

LumenDecor Products

4 Results

4 Results


The highest price is $250.00

LumenDecor Royal Elegance Wall Sconce

LumenDecor Royal Elegance Wall Sconce


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In stock

LumenDecor Modern Cylinder Spotlight

LumenDecor Modern Cylinder Spotlight


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LumenDecor Grand Deco Cinema Signage

LumenDecor Grand Deco Cinema Signage


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Unit price

In stock

LumenDecor Classic Cinema Marquee Letters

LumenDecor Classic Cinema Marquee Letters


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Unit price

In stock

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Product Guides

Visual Experience: Choosing the Right Projector and Screen

Visual Experience: Choosing the Right Projector and Screen

This comprehensive guide helps customers make informed decisions on choosing the right projector and screen for their home theater, covering differences between projector types, screen materials, and installation tips.

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Seating & Comfort: Selecting the Best Theater Seating

Seating & Comfort: Selecting the Best Theater Seating

This guide provides comprehensive information on selecting the best theater seating for comfort and functionality, including comparisons of seating options, layout planning, and additional features.

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Ambient & Functional Lighting: Enhancing Your Home Theater

Ambient & Functional Lighting: Enhancing Your Home Theater

This comprehensive guide helps you create the perfect home theater ambiance with the right lighting. Learn about different lighting types, placement tips, and how to integrate smart home systems for...

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Acoustic Treatment: Improving Sound Quality

Acoustic Treatment: Improving Sound Quality

This guide provides comprehensive information on acoustic treatments for home theaters, including explanations of different treatment types, placement strategies, and installation tips.

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Climate Control: Maintaining Comfort in Your Home Theater

Climate Control: Maintaining Comfort in Your Home Theater

This comprehensive guide helps you maintain a comfortable viewing experience in your home theater by exploring various climate control solutions, including smart thermostats and air purifiers.

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Theater Décor: Personalizing Your Space

Theater Décor: Personalizing Your Space

This guide helps you personalize your home theater with unique décor ideas, including cinema signage, LED poster frames, and other decorative items. Learn how to add a personal touch to...

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