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Vox Harmonia Elevation Stand

Precio habitual $80.00
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Introducing the Elevation Stand - Vox Harmonia's answer to the discerning audiophile's quest for the perfect fusion of form and function. Elegantly crafted to complement your premium speakers, this stand is not just a support, it's a statement. Priced for exclusivity, its sturdy construction ensures your sound is grounded in quality, while its svelte design elevates any space. Prepare for an auditory experience that stands out, literally.

Vox Harmonia Elevation Stand

Precio habitual $80.00
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Introducing the Elevation Stand - Vox Harmonia's answer to the discerning audiophile's quest for the perfect fusion of form and function. Elegantly crafted to complement your premium speakers, this stand is not just a support, it's a statement. Priced for exclusivity, its sturdy construction ensures your sound is grounded in quality, while its svelte design elevates any space. Prepare for an auditory experience that stands out, literally.

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